like a field > Contributors > Luna Joubert

Luna Joubert (NL, 2002), is an artist situated between the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. With a practice based in the use of mediums such as graphite, newsprint, glaze, wax, resins, and written media, Joubert’s current focus is on the visual rendering of mathematical or structural logics (sequences, grids, numeric/ language patterns and diagrams). Central to Joubert’s practice is the deliberate application of such mediums to these structural systems. The structural ‘soundness’ of these systems are then skewed and undermined by the material limitations of an applied medium cultivating a breeding ground of material/ cognitive margins of ‘error’. Joubert is concerned with how these ‘errors’ express the dissonance surrounding the imposition of calculation onto the natural* and how these ‘errors’ then reflect the complexities and contradictions inherent in the human attempt to rationalize and quantify the world around us.

This process behaves as an ethic by which Joubert explores larger conceptual structures of Territory, Power and Truth.

*physical, in this sense the non conceptual.

Contributions: Territory In Triplicate [Summer 2024]