
Sometimes I am very sad but still hopeful.

Hope is a happenstance of faith.

Faith is always headed towards Armageddon.

Armageddon is the word for a mountain.

Armageddon is the word for a place and a battle.

Armageddon is where good and evil will settle their score.

Life happens and happens and happens again.

I get headaches and fall in love.

I cough and sigh like any old animal,

unmoored from the flesh of the earth like a rock in the water.

These days, I cannot escape the feeling of falling,

of sinking within myself beyond where I can reach.

The place I come from is not this earth, I tell the bench outside the church.

I hope spring comes soon.

I am so tired of carrying the cold on my skin.

There is nothing I could not touch that would not turn to grief.

I am the place and the battle, I tell the earth, which pretends not to hear me.

I am the one keeping score, I tell the sky, which I pretend I am.