Why Chinese Are So Hardworking

To fulfill your American Dream

All you need to do is to

Work hard in English

The imperial language of

Both yesterday & today

                                       But to

Achieve a Chinese dream, we

Have to 努力 [nuli], that is

To labor like a slave, doubling

Our effort all the time, just

As the two hieroglyphs suggest

When they were invented

    Besides a stroke of serendipity

FTW: the Super Competition b/w China & America

             Can boil down to a single word:

[In terms of etymology,] ‘win’ results

Simply from labor, struggle, or war

[As long as we are all in?], whereas ‘赢’

Involves the complication of all the

Five elements: the fear of 亡 [death]

The act of口 [speech], the sense of 月

[Time], the use of 贝 [money] as well as

The attitude of a 凡 [ordinary] mind

Getting Along: Another Bilinguacultural Poem

In Chinese, 朋友,恋人,& 爱人 are all

12-stroked characters, just as their counter-

Parts friend, couple & spouse are 6-lettered

Words in the imperial vocabulary of English

Though they are all underlined with human

Love and loyalty, the former entails twice

As much input or effort of the heart

As the latter to maintain a disparately

Similar humane relationship as a speech act