Shadow Work
After Lisa Baird
The body has a current
running through it which connects
the muscles in the jaw
to those in the pelvic floor. It’s called
the deep frontal line. It drapes itself over
the viscera like a tent
and keeps the body erect.
Only twenty-three muscles work
between them. When one tenses,
the other mirrors its terror.
It’s why we clench
our jaws and our assholes
in the same breath.
You never know which
one is the shadow.
Lockjaw and you become
a door bricked shut.
Mouth breather and your body
opens like a gateway to his.
Reflection on reflection
in the bloody well of your guts. His words
becoming water in the basin of you.
There’s a nerve behind the tongue which feels
more deeply. It’s called the vagus nerve.
It connects the vocal cords and the uterus—
the distance between voices through the phone.
His voice can ring sweetness
into your mouth and swell through
the rest of you but still, it will ricochet
white noise in your pelvis
if you do not relax your throat.
His words are lost to you, this way.
When he tries to enter you for
the first time, you should be
moaning for it. Low tones in the throat
relax the pelvic floor.
The vibrations in your larynx
will echo in the chambers
of your uterus and slacken
your vaginal walls to nothing.
You should be moaning
before he’s touching you.
Moan deeper. The vagina must
soften like an ending
if you need to tell him stop.
A tunnel needs an exit
for which your words can
escape. Somewhere
behind his skull,
the night averts its eyes.
By morning, my teeth
are ground to dust.